
Good ideas for a teen birthday party?

by  |  earlier

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I wanna have some guys there too. But I have NO idea what kind of party I want to have. Everyone I would invite HATES high school musical 1&2, bratz, and DEFINATLY Hannah Montana (and everything like that!)




  1. well have dora!or have nemo (my nickname)hello kitty! ever since i came to middle school (6th grade)every one started liking cartoon stuff! cause i love cartoon stuff! and i have a hand full of friends, and now in my school it is popular. every one i know loves hello kitty! have it at like jumpity jump or bounce house or g-force, sometin like that!Fun or like try buying dora or hello kitty pencils and stufff and ppl will start to like, if your popular! hello kitty is a rock thing at my skool and i started wearing skin tight jeans and now everyone else does! if not popular do not try this! Rockity Rock Rock Later


  2. Hi i just had my party saturday my theme was luau since u know that summer is coming up again and well my uncle is a chef and he made me a fruit table with all different types of fruit we palyed some games like twister limbo and pass the coconut it was really funny oh a cool idea is get fake champain and champain glasses and give it to your friends before u do the cake and tell them to make u a toast then they sing happy birthday i have a trampoline so a couple of my friends were on there the whole time lol also if u can make your party till like 10 and lay down in your living room and watch a movie and make popcorn trust me it will be fun oh and dont forget the music

    hope i helped :P

  3. Do a birthday party like a dance party.  Make all the music hits that everyone can dance to :]

  4. um if bratz are still in the question I would say it's more of a pre-teen party...

    you could have a dance party

    or go to the mall and hang out there, just give everyone like $10, or however much you want, and then shop around

  5. do some kind of game. like DDR, WII, or guitar hero. guitar hero would personally be my choice. and let them bring their own music. can i come?

  6. take a bunch of friends snow boarding!! If you live near snow.

  7. Try some other music then, and you have to find a team for the party. what about..... the1960's and you can all dress up like in the 1960's and it could be like in sweet 16.

  8. i would say to get the music really loud  i mean i dont think you need a theme for this party just do a music theme but dont make it boring like a two year olds party        good luck

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