
Good ideas for the Earth?

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A law forcing everyone to recycle.

Government regulating manufacturers to use smaller packaging instead of using more than necessary to try and 'trick us' into thinking we are getting more product.

I've always thought these would be great for reducing waste if put into effect.




  1. Get rid of government only for the defense of the country ?

  2. Less dependance on fossil fuel:  Marine energy. Turbines working on oceans waves and tides... testing in scotland

  3. this is my projection

    working towards a garden culture

    +like Babylon was.

  4. I say we all become a bit more self reliant [gardens, small farms if possible]--atleast gardens. And recycling glass, metals a LOT MORE.

    Ban supermarket frozen foods. They produce a lot of paper waste. It's useless and only adds to the earths already present and growing probs concerning the environment.

    We can all set out times weekly to cook/freeze foods. we do not "need" all these silly greedy manufacturers man. It's the truth.

  5. Conserving water, planting trees, avoid throwing garbage at water forms such as rivers and seas, avoid throwing chemicals at rivers and seas. Avoid venting CFCs, insteading of using plastic use baskets at markets. And if you are cutting a tree, replace it.

  6. Unfortunately, most people still  buy the big box of cereal which looks the biggest and most colorful or has the face of a movie star or baseball player plastered on the front.

    Then there is advertising where a movie star or ball player endorses a product.  Advertising is "Pure Bull Sh*t" where most of us believe in it and pay the extra money to make "Our Hero" more rich.

    Laws can not force all people to be good, but education can help.

  7. It wouldn't work. How would you enforce regulation of manufacturers packaging? It would take an army of bureaucrats. Unfortunately companies will keep on wrapping things in fancy packets until the day it is too expensive to do it. As most people are aware, plastics, polythenes, etc., are made from oil & its derivatives so that day is rapidly approaching.

  8. At night the citys sould be in darkness you will find the crime rate will be lower as no one will be walking around and causing trouble and all the power saved with those big buildings keep it simple

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