
Good joke if you guys get it!?

by  |  earlier

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A woman is in the hospital giving birth, and she's up on the stirrups. All of a sudden, the baby's head pops out and looks up at the nurse. "Are you my daddy?" asks the baby head. Shocked, the nurse replies concerned, "Uh, no, I'm not your dad, Ill run and go get him!". With this, the baby's head turns to the doctor and says, "Are you my daddy?". "My goodness no! But the nurse is going to get him, he will be here any minute." Finally, the father comes into the room and the baby sees him and says, "Are you my daddy?" To which the shocked father goes up close to the baby's head and says, "Yes, son, I'm your father."

<poke person in the head>

The baby pulls his hand out and pokes the father in the head and says, "Well then... STOP POKING ME IN THE HEAD!"




  1. That&#039;s pretty funny...


  2. lolol

  3. i dont get it =[

  4. omg yea i get it i felt slow and then the lines started forming lol nice one

  5. XD I get it!

    Nice one!

  6. LOL!! It took me reading it twice to get it but it&#039;s a funny one!!

  7. ohh haha i get it!!! took me a minute but i get it! :p

  8. Yeah i totally get it! At first i was like poking??? then i realized what he was talkin about!

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