
Good lab report ideas?

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i need to do a lab report for school, now i dont need it to be crazyyy complicated, but i dont want it to be something simple, i jsut dont know what to do the lab on, nothing as simple as putting one plant in a closset and one in a window sill ... just something simple and yet takes some work....i just need an idea





    Then click on the website showed below that says elementary, middle, high, or college

  2. Here is a website that has some simple science experiments. I just did a yahoo search for simple science experiment.

  3. How important is your opositional thumb?

    Do three trials average out the speed of doing certain tasks.

    For example, First tape your thumb down and make sure you don't use it, do activities such as twisting a bottle open, tieing your shoe, writing your name, etc.

    It's really fun and it shows how important your thumb is!

  4. If you're looking for lab ideas:

    A little science/biology lab that won me a science fair a while back was testing the effects of soil acidity on the growth of bean plants.

  5. what grade and what are the topics? no guidelines?

  6. You can test the potency of antibacterial soaps on people.  This will sound a little funny, but get some test subjects (usually family members are the best at this) and have them all get their hands dirty in something (touch the family pet, rub them in the dirt, touch the garbage).  Swab one person's hands and make that your control.  Then, have the other people wash their hands with different kinds of antibacterial soap for ten seconds, and swab the clean hands.  All of these swabs go in a petrie dish (ask your teacher about this one) and into the science department's incubator.  Give it about 4 or 5 days to cook, then check out how much bacteria was taken from each example.  In the end, you can show exactly which soap did the best, if there's any difference between them, or if they even work at all.

    Usually your science teacher will be able to help you get the petrie dishes and incubator for your use.  Plus, it's a really easy project to do.  It pretty much does itself while you get your report ready.  In the end, it's a report on the active ingredients in the soaps, as well as marketing (i.e., does most popular mean most clean?)

    Good luck!  Let me know what you choose and how it goes!

  7. Do one on the scientific properties of fitting corn flakes into a toaster.
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