
Good legitimate internet businesses?

by  |  earlier

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Any legitimate internet business with no scams, spams, etc. good ones to earn extra money. Money back if business does not work is a plus




  1. Yes I can.

    But to tell you one without any interest would be a waste of time. You would fail. Dont shop for businesses then find something you are interested in. Find something you are interested in then shop for businesses.

    I can probably tell you how you can get your feet wet, for free,  on just about any subject. Its what I do. And then how to make it grow gradually on its earnings so that you dont have to shell out money. But it needs to be a subject that you love enough. Something that makes you chatter to your friends more than they like hearing. Something you would be willing to turn into work. Something you would be willing to work on even if it didnt make money (altho it very probably would)

    Pick a subject. Any subject. It can be an item, hobby, games, craft, sport, pet, country, any subject at all. I dont care if its collecting unicorns or watching hummingbirds. It can be something you know a lot about or it can be something you WANT to know a lot about.

    Or how about a skill? Graphics? cartoon doodling? writing? poetry? juggling? music? photography? expert game player? It doesnt have to be something you are good at. Just something you do a lot. Or it might be that your skill really is just a triple-A motivated entrepreneur salesman personality.

    Maybe someone elses skill. Do you have a teenager in the house with an exceptional skill at wise-cracking and rude comments on everything? Thats actually very marketable and can really hold down your stress levels by making you smile when he lets one off.

    Give me something to work with. Make a list of 10. Throw out all but 3. Then do a new question along the line of "How can I turn my interest in AAAAAAAAA into an internet business for free?"

    Those are the ones that work. Some work a little, some work a whole lot. You can spend a lot of time looking thru pyramid schemes before finding anything that has a better chance (and as enjoyable)

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