
Good managers are born and not made?

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Good managers are born and not made?




  1. you need to condition the inborn tendencies,to polish the skills like you heat gold to get the glow.

  2. u r right ,but they can b made through their traits charactericts experience,but some quality have to b inborn...

  3. not always born to lead- that is a skill that can be developed, and then you can become a manager- believe in one self, get out there and set the example -

    Leaders are born and made-

  4. Arre Baba but even if they r born good but dont go to a good B School.... will the industry every recognise them n more importantly will anyone hire them.....?

    Think about it....

  5. Here's a tip. Don't ever expect your staff to do something you wouldn't do youself and show them that by example.

  6. Made    who has little in head

  7. well its true but only who come into the limelight

    but this doesn't mean that they are not made, they are always made

  8. This could be a debate-able point.

    You can have plenty of arguments and examples on both sides. While natural personal traits do help, but of their own they may not be sufficient to make good managers by themselves. Success of hundreds of management schools / institutions would also prove it other way.

    A blend of both could produce gems, yet individually both the situations have produced a good number of good managers world over.

  9. I think that's, in part, true. You have to have certain qualities to be a good leader and some of it's in your basic makeup but also some of it is in the way that you're raised. Also, for the observant types - if you have a really bad manager you can become a good manager by learning what not to do by example.

  10. Not necessarily.   There are people who have born and have the natural ability to lead.  There are people who while they were born could not mingle in a society, but became leaders by the constant nurturing by parents, teachers and society.  Desire to achieve makes managers.


  11. they must lead by example

  12. for that what ru going to tell about this

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