
Good minor for Anthro major?

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i am majoring in Anthropology and really want to get down to physical anthro... for this specifically what would be a good minor, i know there are languages (studied french for 4 years), but other than that what is a great minor that will compliment my major in physical anthro.




  1. Sociology.

  2. I would say either biology or a Native Studies program, if its offered at your school.  If you want to focus on physical anthropology, that seems to be the way to go because either way, you are going to have to learn about distinguishing human from non-human skeletal material (biology) or you are going to be doing work with Native American populations (Native Studies).  You do have another option which would be a minor in forensic studies, again if its offered at your school.  However, I would not suggest this unless you can handle dealing with stinky, putrid, decomposing remains.  I chose the forensic route when I majored in Anthropology, and it worked for me, but it definitely does not work for everyone. Hope that helps.

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