
Good morning!! How do I stop my pancakes from forming a crust around the edges? Someone please help...

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Whenever I make my pancakes they always form a crust around the edges. Why does this happen? Is it because of the skillet I use to cook it in? Or maybe too much of something? I usually like my pancakes fluffy, not too thick or thin, but somewhere in the middle. A good recipe would be greatly appreciated as well (for 2 people, its my father's birthday) PLEASE leave exact measurements if you do.




  1. good morning/afternoon.                          do not put more fat in the pan that will make the ends crusty just cook them on a very low heat and you will have the perfect pancakes

    i love pancakes can i have one with syrup on please.

    happy pan caking  

  2. I think its the way you are spreading them around the skillet dont make it to thick as you are making it go all over,try using low heat and dont put in too much milk.

  3. google it

  4. if all else fails make them and then use a cookie cutter to make nice neat ones  

  5. Lower the heat and cook them a little more slowly. It sounds like the only problem here is you're possibly cooking them too quickly on a heat that's a little too high.

  6. I set my fry pan at med to high heat.  Use about a 1/4 cup pancake mix for your pancakes and cook until you see bubbles on top of pancakes and flip until done. U can use a little butter in the bottom of your pan or spray it with a little non stick cooking spray.  They will be done perfect. I just use regular pancake mix and add a little vanilla and make it as thin or thick as you would like them.  I use milk to thin the batter out.Follow the recipe on the box and then u can make them your own.

  7. We make pancakes that way because that is the way we like them.  It is the heat you cook your pancakes and the amount of oil you use, as well as the amount of water you mix in the batter.

    I add my pancake mix and then add water slowly until it is the consistency that I want.  You will want to add water until it runs off a fork, but doesn't look like just water at the same time.  Turn your heat on about medium and let the pan preheat.  Spray a little bit of oil in your pan.  You don't need much, just enough so that it doesn't stick.  Also, the oil is what is going to give it the crusty edge.

    Good luck!!!

  8. put 4oz self raising flour in a bowl, stir in 2oz of sugar and make a well in the centre.  Add one egg to the well, and start to mix it with a balloon whisk, incorporating some of the flour as you go, then start adding milk in aswell until you have the consistency you want.

    Heat a frying pan over a medium heat, then use some kitchen roll with a small amount of margarine on it.  Wipe the marg around the pan, then spoon in a ladle of the pancake batter.

    When the bubbles on the top start bursting, check the underneath - if it is pale brown, then flip the pancake over and cook until its done.

    There are a few possibilities why you are getting a crust - your pan may be too hot, you may be putting too much oil/fat into the pan and hence virtually deep frying your pancakes, or if may just be the recipe you are using.

    You should make sure you have a good non-stick pan to use, because this requires very little fat (in fact, you should really be able to cook the pancaked without any fat in the pan).  I always find my friends tend to put far too much fat in the pan, and then fry the pancakes in it which is not as good.

  9. very slow cooking will help this problem,,HOWEVER, they will not turn out in the middle like you wish.   They will not be fluffy, because the lower temp will cause you to have to cook them longer and they will be dry and tough.


  10. use more margarine  

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