
Good morning the Kentucky Derby is coming up this weekend should I go to it?

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Do you play the ponies and what horse will you bet on?




  1. no, run away

  2. Depends, how fast can you run?  Oh I see the rest of the question now.  I think everyone should go to the derby once in their life.  Learn from a reliable source how to place a bet, and pick a horse that means something to you.  If your horse wins great stop betting.  If your horse loses, well sorry and stop betting.  Start small with betting so you don't get burned.  Enjoy the rush and flush feeling when your horse tears around the last corner sprinting for the line.

  3. yes, go you may catch a glimpse of Larry Birkhead lol

  4. As a Louisvillian, I think I speak for our city when I say that the Derby is lame, go to the Oaks.

  5. Its supposed to be a great party, I don't gamble (personal choice) but i'd bet one one of the top two favorites if I did.

  6. As a non Louisvilliananinan who lived in Kentucky for 2 mundane years I say go to the Oaks and the Derby, the only 2 days out of the year where Louisville isn't lame and man do they take advantage of it, no wonder nobody comes back after forking it out for the city's Christmas in May.  

    I will morph back into the degenerate gambler I was in high school and university and bet every race of the day, whether its a good betting race or not.  I will be playing an Octave, Rags To Riches exacta cold, and I will key Street Sense over Any Given Saturday, Curlin, Sam P, Circular Quay and Liquidity in a Superfecta, everything thing else that I do I won't know until I see the Sheets and the Form, but I suspect this year my Derby Tris and Supers will be quite large.

    I'll be the drunk guy in front of the Pharmacy across from Gate 3 drinkin tall boys of Miller High Life the "king of beers" only at Derby!

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