
Good mythological/magical book suggestions?

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I am not looking for fiction or sci-fi reading material, but rather something more like reference books. Anything about magic (witches, sorcery) or folklore about beings or happening and beliefs the subject. Particularly current practices and beliefs.

No, I am not looking to try to be a witch, I am asking because of a writing project and my own personal curiosity on the subject. I have read a lot on the internet, but have trouble finding actual books on the subject.

Thanks all who answer.




  1. Mythology by Edith Hamilton is the go to guide for Greek mythology and a small amount of Norse is included.

    Celtic Myths and Legends by Peter Berresford Ellis is very good for the Irish and Scottish legends.

    Heresy, Magic and Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe (European Culture and Society) by Gary K. Waite has been suggested fairly often for students and has very good reviews.

    I've found it's more difficult to find good sources for current practices that are reliable sources.


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