
Good name for a college radio show?

by  |  earlier

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Hey, what's a good name for a college radio show consisting of classic rock, hip-hop, and sports talk? My friend and I were thinking "Minority Report," since I'm Jewish, and he's Asian.




  1. Alot of college shows have alcohol related names for obvious reasons, hair of the dog, morning after, etc.  I dont think you should bring race/religion into it unless that is the basis of your humor . . .

  2. good name but r u targetin the minority only?

  3. "Minority Report" would work (it's Sports, right - not humor? Otherwise Blue's right). You should also bring in an African American and Caucasian to round it out.

    Most important thing, as I preach often, is to be consistent. Even if the station is inconsistent, make it a consistent inconsistency ;<) Use The same slogan for the station at all times, use identifiers during the day that are similarly produced. Start getting used to being part of a format, because for the few of you who actually go into the radio biz, that's the way the game's played.

    And if you are interested in a broadcasting or radio major, here's a scholarship/internship program to check out.

    -a guy named duh

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