
Good name for a photography and computer business

by  |  earlier

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i want good, creative ideas on a business name for photography and computer repair. i cant think of anything good.





  1. SNAPPYBYTES. Good luck

  2. Use your surname in the beginning and put 'Professional Photography and Computer Repairs' at the end. That way folks will begin to recognize your company, and advertising by word of mouth will spread more rapidly once people get to know your work. Especially if your work is done mainly locally to where you live and work. But, you must maintain a very professional ethic. Always remember you will be expected to be noticed, recognized and polite whether you are on the clock or off the clock. Running your own company especially locally in your home town and with your surname on it means always maintaining a professional attitude.

  3. Double Click

    Double Click Here

    Smiles and Bytes.

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