
Good new home for chickens?

by  |  earlier

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I want to get chickens, but my dad says I need a good "exit strategy" in case I leave for an extended amount of time (he doesn't want the chickens to be dumped on him). Any suggestions where I could relocate them? *Note: Not a farm where they'll eat them!*




  1. Whay not pay someone to feed them. I feed mine and if I go on vacation a friend feeds them for me. Or you can, if you knwo someone who really likes chickens to keep thm for you for a while until you get back.

    Take them with you :)

  2. build them a pen..and you don't need to feed them every long as you have a continued feeder that goes off of gravity..and water will last if its a big can leave them on a farm for a few days if you have a good set up..and other than that, there great to have..just make sure if you live in cold claimant bye a heated bowl for them..its not fun to break out ice to fill everyday..the eggs are great..a little work for a big pay off..i love my chickens..wish i had out for the wild life they can get killed by coons and other animals will eat there eggs..make sure you have a good place where nothing can get in..

  3. A petting zoo

  4. How  about  the  zoo?

  5. Why are you looking for an exit before you even get the birds?Sounds like this is just a whim. I have 17 chickens and they are in an 8x8 coop and running out of room fast. We have an 8 foot high fenced area for them to roam in. I get up every morning at 6 to let them out of their coop and go out right before dark and close them up. I feed them and give them fresh water. Talk to them and give them fresh veggies for treats.  We just went on vacation and had to get someone to chicken sit. Chickens are a commitment not something to pass of to someone else when you get bored with them.

    You need to make sure you are prepared for the birds before getting them. If this is a passing fancy I am sorry let it pass.

    Don't get animal that you think you want. Then want them to go somewhere that they will be cuddled for life.

    GO to and you will find answers there.

  6. It really depends on where you currently live. You will definately have a harder time finding a good home for your chickens if you live in a city.

    My suggestion would be for you to post a listing on craigslist and emphasize that these chickens will be given away/sold as a pet. There are many chicken rescue organizations also, try to google them..or Yahoo them ;)

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