
Good opening lines for a speech or presentation?

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i want to know what are good opening lines when writing a speech for a class or a group




  1. depends on the topic... u can start with gud morning or afternoon or evening

  2. If it's anything im strong in is presentation skills i don't know why but its kinda my thing and i was good at it ever since. ive noticed that you have to know your target rule number 1 are they professional are they students what kind of topic and to whom it may concern. If you have middle aged businessmen obviously you got to change your tone, if ur audience are students then some humour may appear appropoiate to them and not to others. The bottom line is always begin with humour you want to break the ice make the aduience hyped up, i always want my audience to be wanting more and i can see it in thier eyes but that all depends on your first 10 seconds which is the most important and determines how well you will do why because first of all you have impressions audience will display both positive and negative, you have to break the ice my tip use humour doesnt have to be about the topic anything u think will capture them but that could be dangerous know your audience first, keep your presentation SHORT & SIMPLE

    SO remember your K.I.S.S (keep short and simple) and another one

    s*x your customer (Smile, Enthusiasm, Excitement).

  3. i think you can always grab someone's attention by asking question at the beginning with your speech. then you can support your whole speech with facts and info on the subject matter

  4. ummm, you can use a rhetorical question, joke, fact, or a statistic.

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