
Good or bad dream?

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I dreamt this afternoon whilst napping, of my cat being in a fight with another cat (which was my DEAD cat) and she got really hurt and some how broke a leg.

I was really distressed and balling my eyes out trying to tell my mum what happened (i woke her up she was in bed).

Because the cat is really old and I thought she was going to be put down.

Does anyone know what this dream is about? Is crying in your dreams good or bad? etc.




  1. u got bad luck!!!!!!!! cry baby wa wa waaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

  2. The things that stuck out to me in your dream was that you mom was sleeping, your cat got into a fight, and that you were crying.

    Here we go.

    To see others sleeping, is often a reflection of yourself and your own unconscious mind. It is indicative of how you may not be alert or informed about a particular situation.

    To see your mother in your dream, represents the nurturing aspect of your own character. Mothers offer shelter, comfort, life, guidance and protection. Some people may have problems freeing themselves from their mothers and are thus seeking their own individuality and development.

    To see a cat in your dream, signifies much misfortune, treachery, and bad luck. However, for the cat lover, cats signifies an independent spirit, feminine sexuality, creativity, and power. If the cat is aggressive, then it suggests that you are having problems with the feminine aspect of yourself. If a cat is biting you, then it symbolizes the devouring female. Perhaps you are taking and taking without giving. You may be expressing some fear or frustration especially when something is not going as planned. If you see a cat with no tail, then it signifies a lost of independence and lack of autonomy. To see others fighting in your dream, suggests that you are unwilling to acknowledge your own problems and turmoil. You are not taking any responsibility or initiative in trying to resolve issues in your waking life. To dream that you are crying, signifies a release of negative emotions that is more likely caused by some waking situation rather than the events of the dream itself. Your dream is a way to regain some emotional balance and a way to safely let out your fears and frustrations. In our daily lives, we tend to ignore, deny, or repress our feelings. But in our dream state, our defense mechanisms are no longer on guard and thus allow for the release of such emotions.

    Wow. My answers long.

    Anyway, I hope I helped. And sorry if I didn't.

  3. again awesome answer from Caleigh..

    but for another all my years of dream interpretation, i have come to find dream dictionaries are filled with BS from some psychologists mind... Dreams are symbolic because of the language of the spirit, hence the symbols have meaning relevant to spiritual essence of an object. for eg. if you dream of water it has nothing to do with the  life giving or refreshing principles of water it means emotions because water flows like emotions etc. not best example but you get the point. Although that symbol is so well known even the dream dictionaries have picked that one up.

    anyway, I have come to find cats mean affections... I am a cat lover hence to me and nearly everyone else who i have interpreted for it means exactly that proven by the interpretation coming true! so its not a stab in the dark like these d**n dictionaries!

    So it means some affection long gone has been reawakened and is battling for supremacy in your heart with the current affections. the struggle seemed to incapacitate the current affection from progress or growing any further (hence the broken leg)...

    Caleigh pretty much covered the rest..
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