
Good or bad for England?

by  |  earlier

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some say that foreign workers are good for the uk because they pay tax and so on but they claim benefits as well so what they pay they take as well, also they send the money back home. as for them doing the jobs that we don't want ( because we can't live on that low pay ) they wont do it over in there country either. ( because its even lower paid over there ). sorry for any spelling mistakes. for them that care. i know i don't




  1. Bad for the UK

  2. Well, as for your point about them not doing work in their countries that UK citizens wouldn't do in the UK, well that doesn't really matter that they wouldn't do it in their country, cos ur question is about whether or not it would benefit the UK. So if they are ding the jobs here that British workers wouldn't, it's a benefit either way.

    Furthermore, that keeps down inflation.

    All in all, it comes down to individual cases, but here's one point you just plainly can't ignore: The NHS couldn't survive without immigrant workers (of the legal kind of course). For decades nurses (largely from the Caribbean and Africa as well as Asia) have help keep it afloat. Not only that but a whole load of highly skilled immigrants (such as doctors) have benefited the UK, at the expense of their home countries (see "brain drain").

    Largely xenophobic media will paint the picture that all immigrant labour is cheap, low-class and low-skilled. Some is some isn't. Either way, there are always benefits and disadvantages.

  3. You are so right the UK is a joke and i'm really starting to dislike living here they seem to help all the s****s but people like me who work hard for a living have to really struggle to get by. I say if people don't work to afford their own house why not house them in some of those boarded up high rises that sit empty instead of housing them in brand new houses I couldn't even afford. And if these people want the nice things in life then they should have to work for them like we do!! Also I think people should not get money as benefits but food vouchers which can only be exchanged for vital living supplies not f**s, booze and bloody plasma telly's - If I was prime minister their would be some changes ha ha

  4. Well folks, my comment is thus:-

    People who work are an asset to themselves, their company and the country.  How they spend their earnings is not relevant (buying an imported car or sending money to their people is the same deal).  We create good feelings overseas having an extended family such as the Commonwealth.

  5. All I'm saying is you have some good points, but can't tar everyone with the same brush.

  6. Yeah they work but why they be able to claim money for children that are not even living in the uk we can't if my child moves aboard i can't claim for that child so why should they be able to do and why are there now signs in polish in our shops they don't do it for other people .

  7. On the basis of " first in first out " no doubt the credit squeeze /recession will see a number of foreign workers especially those from the EU like Poles , Czechs, Latvians etc vulnerable . Your question specifically states England and in that context the southern part around London may be effected more . The converse applies outwith England  especially in Scotland where the improvement in the economy is partly  due to their arrival . Also the population in Scotland  was dropping in numbers  but in the last two years has changed as foreign workers see it as a land of opportunity .

  8. I agree both good (doctors, nurses, dentists, our NHS needs immigrant workers) and bad (lazy, good for nothing, benefit claimers) are in the UK and its always going to be like this. However, still more and more are coming in every day - This needs to stop.

    The UK is too small for the amount of people being let in to live here I understand why so many english people flock to europe etc to emigrate.. their own country is becoming to feel like a foreign place so not much change.

    However, I understand they come here for a better life which all parents want for their children. I'd do the same in their situation its common sense.

    So i'm 50/50 on this. I don't mind aslong as they don't come here causing trouble and making my life h**l.

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