
Good or not??????????????

by  |  earlier

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is my lifestyle good or not , ( i mean the way i eat), and excerise.

week days i eat:

breakfast- sultana bran , 1 glass of choc milk

mornen tea- carrot

lunch- apple

afternoon tea- glass of water, fruit

dinner- whateva my mum makes and water.

after dinner- water and frozen veges.

what da ya think??





  1. Very nice. Your internal organs will be happy happy happy!

  2. good start, but you might want to work a bit more protein and unsaturated fat into your diet, just to round things out.  I recommend eating some raw almonds or edamame for snack sometime.  Eat some white meat, too... like chicken.  You should be good with that.  Fish is also really high in protein and unsaturated fat... if you like sushi, this is the time to eat it  

  3. eat more this is a starvation diet

  4. why do you keep saying water?  water is nothing its plasma no calories nothing second belive you cant keep up with this you will look so skinny add some protien and fat

  5. your eating habits are crazy! people need more than fruit and vegetable to eat properly. If you go to any nutrition website or or professional nutritionist they will say that you need a variety in your diet. for example an apple for lunch! that's not enough for somebody to have at that time of the day.

    you need approx. 2 serves of fruit, 3 veg, 2-3 dairy, 2-3 protein (meat, nuts, eggs etc) and 5-6 grains (bread, rice, pasta cereals etc) and all you are getting is the bare minimums of this! try for example having a fresh sandwich with yogurt for lunch and a fruit salad with pistachios for  afternoon tea because its still healthy, but it adds some variety!

    your eating habits are good health wise but if you keep up like this your gunna turn into a piece of celery or something!

    hope this helps, good luck

  6. wow you have a good eating plan your really healthy  

  7. you should eat a little more during lunch

    but other than that its pretty good

    i dont know many ppl who eat that healthy

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