
Good paint design for guy teenager bedroom?

by  |  earlier

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I am 14, I'm gonna be a freshman in high school, and we're redesigning my room and can't figure out any designs for the paint on the walls of my room. I want it to be a simple design, not like a sports theme. Here is the bedspread I got, if you want somewhere to start it could have a design like it:

Here are what the main colors are like:

Dark Gray

HTML 2f2f2f

RGB 47,47,47

Light Gray

HTML 969696

RGB 150,150,150


Burgundyish red (to match the curtains)

HTML a70000

RGB 167,0,0

Thats so u know the basic colors. A little black would work too, but not too much im not emo. If you could give some ideas, that would be great!




  1. What would be really cool since the bedspread is black and black matches every color you should get one color that is your total favorite and if it's light get black paint and make stripes on one wall kind of in random spots like I did that in my room but with squares. if the color is light do black if its dark do white.

    That would look awesome or just paint it your fav color since it would match and get a big stencil or a pro to paint something you like to do on the wall like my friend has a gymnast and her bro has a motocross racer. it's really cool. they trn out awesome.

  2. I would do the walls in a light grey.  Since your curtains are reddish in color, you could do one or two walls in that color.  I would also do a toss pillow or two on the bed in the red.  Black frames would be great on your wall with black and white pictures.   Find pictures of you and your friends.   Go to kinkos and have them blown up in black and white to various sizes.  Put them on the wall in frames or as posters.  I use heavy stick pins to hang posters.  When you take them out there are NO marks.  

    Be careful not to get trendy so you don't outgrow the room to fast.  I think this would look classy.

  3. Check out the first 'after' picture here, very sophisticated, but would suit your bedding style and colours..

    Otherwise there's this page of images that may also inspire you...

  4. Do 3 of the walls a light gray and 1 accent wall of Burgundy red(make sure the accent wall isn't the same wall with the curtains) White trim would look amazing with this! Then I would accent your stuff(like lamps and picture frames) in a dark gray or a navy blue. Metal accents would also look nice (like metal picture frames or decorations) have fun redoing your room!

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