
Good place for snowboarding trip?

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I was wondering where would be a good place to go for a snowboarding trip on the east coast? I've never been before and want to so what it's like for a week or so.




  1. Don't go to the east coast!!!

    Seriously, nothing over there but icy hills.  

    Go to Colorado, Baker, Bachelor, or Whistler!  And Bend (Mt. Bachelor) and Whistler Village are awesome.

    By the way, no offense to you east coasters.  But seriously, come west, my fellow shredders on the east coast :)

  2. well on the east coast the only places to go are in new england. the best are in maine and vermont. For maine, sugarloaf usa is the best. saddleback mountain is only about 15 miles from sugarloaf and they are both in carrabasset valley. then Sunday river is good in bethel. if those are too far north than shawnee peak in fryeburg is a little smaller than those 3 with 45 trails instead of around 150 but it is one of the best quality resorts around. for vermont Killington is one of the best in the usa. theres like 200 trails. and trails of all abilities and terrain parks af all ability. Attitash mountain in newhampshire is ok but it gets boreing after a day or 2. those six resorts above are you best bet at a good time and farely close together but if you dont want to go all the way to maine vermont and new hampshire, Jiminey peak in massachusetts is ok also. ohh yah the slopes here in northern new england arent ice hills. And the best places out west are snowmass in aspen colorado and blackcomb in brittish columbia

  3. Well... If you count Michigan as the East Coast, Mt. Boyne is the best. It certainly isn't Vale or Colorado in general. It is where all the snowboarding nuts go to everyyear. Large Mountains and great terrain parks. Something fo r everybody. Beautiful resort for kicks.

  4. new england all the way--especially vermont and maine but you're better sticking to vermont...yes new england resorts do see their share of ice but this year is one of the best ever as far as snow quality so that wont be an issue--i've been out about 10 days between sunday river and sugarloaf and its been mostly powder or packed powder:

    like i said go to VT:: killington area is your best bet 'cause their are a couple other resorts in the area like Okemo plus other activities to do when you need a break from riding (you wont be able to ride for a week straight, especially if you're learning-you will bust your *** hard!!) but try Killington and Okemo and maybe Pico first since its smaller and you wont feel as intimated by some of the bigger resorts

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