I really want to go out somewhere, anywhere with my friends. We're teenagers, and the most typical place a teen can think is going to the mall, that's the problem. I don't want to go to the mall or watch movies. Absolutely nothing at all related to that.
I live in Oahu (hawaii) Honolulu. (Yeah, yeah, your thinking at this point that I'm sooo lucky living in Hawaii, well it's boring when you've been here all your life)
I want to be outdoors, enjoying summer and nature at it's best. Anything that doesn't cost hardly any money. I really want to go camping, or hiking, but I'm afriad it's a little too "extreme" and will take a lot of time to prepare for. Something simple, fun, memorable. Catch my drift? I'm going back to school on the 19th of this month and this would be a great chance for a good summer ending activity, y'know?
I'm up for anything. 10 points for best idea(s)! Thank you.