
Good places to live and work in Atlantic Canada?

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Wanting to leave Alberta and move to the east coast due to a domestic situation. I've got relatives in PEI but want to know if there are any jobs for females which would allow me to be self supporting, not necessarily on PEI. What jobs, wages, accomodations (rent) might be available? The cost of housing here is outrageous but wages are high, I just want an idea how things are on the east coast. I'd really appreciate any help out there, must make a decision soon. Thank for any info you might give me.




  1. GET REGISTERED WITH THE PUBLIC SERVICE!  That's a good start if your aren't already.  Without knowing your experiences and education this is a pretty general answer.  Right now the Public service in Halifax for example is looking for a legal assistant with wages from approx 43K to 47K which is a very good wage. God love the East Coast and I believe everyone should move is beautiful...but you're going to have to live in a more built up area to make the wages you need and if you can pick a place that's a little on the cheaper side to live bonus....Military bases are an excellent source of income.  Gagetown NB is a very large one, NS has Halifax, Shearwater and Greenwood.  I'd contact the bases and the CPO's office on each base and enquire about available positions for Civilians.  Each base has a website.  Bases have some really cute towns surrounding them and most are very reasonable for cost of living.  Maybe consider this an opportunity to return to school to attain that better job?  University of PEI is an excellent school and you could either stay with relatives or room and board through student loans.  Try  there are job listings there for individual provinces.  As long as you don't compare wages to the west you won't be disappointed but like you already know you don't need as much to live happily in the East and if you have the right qualifications the big paying jobs are out there too..good luck!

  2. The best place to live is in Moncton NB - it has the most afforable housing in the Maritmes, its unemployment rate is lower than the National Average. It is a growing city with opportunity. It was recently voted one of the most polite cities in Canada. It is a beautiful area close to the Northumberland Coast- Warmest waters north of Virginia and the Hopewall rocks.There is a large list of jobs and apartments to rent available

    The problem I have with Halifax is the crime- I was raised in Halifax and when I left 9 years ago to find work and to getaway it was rough then. It has just gotten worse- really too bad because it is beautiful city with lots of wonderful people.

    Good luck

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