
Good quotes about.....?

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i kind some quotes about either 1) time, 2) life, 3) friendship, 4) fear, 5) hope/belief/strength or 6) gorwing up or 7) any other good ones that you like, for this thing i have to write. thanks




  1. I see plenty of good ideas on the quotations page at that might work for you.

  2. Time:

    Treasure every moment that you have, because it will never come back.



    Everyday you will be faced with a new challenge- one you have never faced before. But life is a learning experience and the more you live, the more you will see and experience, but how you react when adversity comes your way, can make you truly stronger and wiser.



    In order to have a friend, you must be a friend. Some friends are here for a season or for a lifetime. Friends of a season will be there in your greatest time of need and when they have accomplished the mission they were sent to do, they may pass away, mysteriously get into a fight with us or move away.

    Friends for a lifetime will be there even through your good and your bad, but treasure the friends that you have and sincerely appreciate them,because you never know if they will always be around for you.



    It is hard to overcome, whether it be a fear of death or sickness,but fears show you that you are human. Fear causes you to be afraid of the unknown and stay in you trough when you can live in a palace. The fear to have something happen is great, but overcome your fear with bravery. For without bravery and courage, you will not be able to move forward in your life.



    We all have to have hope whether we think life is pointless and utterly terrible. If we didn't have hope, we couldn't think of the next day to be a betther one and believe that we will get a fresh start to something, and if we didnt have hope and belief, we wouldn't find strenghth to go out and face the world.


    Growing up:

    Growing up is a gradual process, just like the building of Rome took stone by stone and minute, day, month, and year to build up the city. When we were old enough, we learned how to crawl and gradually walk. When we were 2 or 3 we learned how to speak. at around 4, to write, and so forth. Without growing up and experiencing phases and stages in our life, we wouldn't have known how to communicate to others and having life lessons of our own to share.



    Just because the stars are not revealed day, doesn't mean that they are not there. Same thing with God.

  3. I always liked these:

    "The older you get, the smarter your parents are."  (Mark Twain)

    "You can pick your friends, but you can't pick your kinfolk." (unknown)

    "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." (President Franklin Delano Roosevelt)

    "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear."  (Mark Twain)

    "The length of a minute is dependent upon which side of the bathroom door you happen to be" (unknown)

    "When my love comes back from the Ladies' Room, will I be too old to care?"  (Lewis Grizzard)

    "It ain't braggin' if you can back it up."  (Bobby Bowden)

    "The object of war is not to die for your country.  It is to make the other poor dumb b*****d die for his country."  (George C. Scott, in "Patton")

    (on telling a story) "Begin at the beginning, continue until you get to the end, then stop."  (Lewis Carroll, in "Through the Looking Glass")

    "I can either run the country or I can control Alice.  I cannot do both."  (President Theodore Roosevelt, when asked by the press what he would do about his "wild" eldest daughter.)

  4. Not real original but still pretty good . . .

    When life hands you lemons . . . make lemonade

    When one door closes, another door opens . . .

  5. This one is my favorite "Life is a journey, not a destination"

  6. My favorite quote about life and self is "you can either set a good example, or you can be a horrible warning"

  7. LIFE:

    one SONG can spark a moment

    one FLOWER can wake a dream

    one TREE can start a forest

    one BiRD can herald spring

    one SMiLE brings a friendship

    one HANDCLASP lifts a soul

    one STAR can guide a ship at sea

    one WORD can frame a goal

    one VOTE can change a nation

    one SUNBEAM lights a room

    one CANDLE wipes out darkness

    one LAUGH can conquer gloom

    one STEP must start each journey

    one WORD must start each prayer

    one HOPE will rise our spirits

    one TOUCH can show you care

    one VOiCE can speak with wisdom

    one HEART can know what`s true

    one LiFE can make a difference

    it's up to you

    I'm a mess, and so is my room.

    I like it better that way.

    I laugh TO.MUCH for my own good

    and I always say the wrong thing at the right time.

    I'm loud, and chances are I'll never end up hating you even if I say I do go figure. I cant keep a steady relationship to save my life,because I'm not 'girl-friend material'. diet coke and bat-man underwear turn me on.and I dont believe in real love anymore.

    Trust your own instinct.

    Your mistakes might as well be your own,

    instead of someone else's

    Oh yes, the past can hurt.

    But the way I see it, you can either

    run from it, or learn from it.

    It's amazing what one person can do. Some people build you up just to bend & break you. Some people bring out parts of you that you had no clue existed. All throughout life we meet people & every single one of them brings something to us, gives us some sort of purpose. We come across people that will hurt us so incredibly much that it seems unbearable to go on with our lives, but the truth is ; We can overcome anything we want to if we believe in it enough, if we have faith in ourselves, in who we are. The most important thing in life is to find yourself, know who you are at all times & stand by that for the rest of your life. No one has the right to tell you who you are or try & control your life cause it's yours. Your life is meant to be lived by no one else but yourself. We sometimes let people get the best of us, destroy us & change our opinions on what we believe is true. Only you can know what's right for yourself, you have the power, you make the choices & you learn. Each experience we go through in life is a lesson to be learned. We all make mistakes, why is that so hard for some to understand? No one should be judged by the mistakes they have made. It's past news. Everything happens for a reason, & without the hard times, how would we ever realize our true strength? It's only through a time of suffering when we realize how strong we truly are inside, when we realize how much we can actually put up with & deal with before we eventually break.

    Life is a roller coaster, a never ending cycle. Every person is

    unique & beautiful in their own way. Each individual has a beautythat's unexpressed. Beauty is within. You love a person for how they make you feel, for their courage & compassion. I believe we alwaysgo back to the people that were there in the beginning. You create so much of a history with certain people, they become a part of you,they're always in your heart.

    Smile -- It makes a world of difference.

    Dance -- Who knows when you wont be able to.

    Cry -- Holding those emotions in is bad for you.

    Kiss -- Kisses are the most wonderful things in the world.

    Laugh -- Whats the point in hiding happiness?

    Frown -- Why not let him know you're unhappy?

    Apologize -- You dont wanna lose friends.

    Hug -- Theres no better feeling being wrapped up close to someone you love.

    Live -- because life is everything.

    in your life you will meet people. some you'll

    never think about again. some you wonder

    what happend to them some you wonder if

    they even think about you and then there are

    those you wish you never had to think about

    but you do.

    ins`t it wreid taHt yOu can sltil raed

    tihs eevn tohugh the ltetres are mexid

    up ? it`s bceuase the hmuan mnid olny

    fcouses on the frsit & lsat ` ltetres

    of the wrod. its like beauty..'people

    only pay attention to the o u t s i d e->

    n o t t h e i n s i d e


    "I am your friend, and you are mine for always," she said. "Such a friend as you I’ve never had before. I have had many dear and beloved friends, but there is a something in you that I have never found in anyone else. You have more to offer me in that rich nature of yours, and I have more to give you than I had in my careless girlhood. We are both women and friends forever."


    million memories. 1 hundred thousand inside jokes. 10 thousand great times. 1 hundred secrets. One reason. BEST FRiENDS


    All the remember when’s and what’s going on tonight’s, uncontrollable laughter and even stupid fights but nothing in this world could tear us apart. You’ve become more than my best friend. You’re my sister, my heart.


    A best friend wouldn’t be asking questions when you say, “God, I have to kill the guy who broke my heart!” They would be running to get the shovel.

    A friend calls your parents by Mr. and Mrs. A best friend calls your parents mom and dad.

    A friend asks for a ride but a best friend hops in the car and greets your mom.

    A friend has never seen you cry. A best friend has always had the best shoulder to cry on.

    A friend never asks for anything to eat or drink. A best friend opens the fridge and makes herself at home.

    A friend asks you to write down your number. A best friend asks you for their number.

    A friend borrows your stuff for a few days then gives it back. A best friend has a whole closet full of your stuff.

    A friend only knows a few things about you. A best friend could write a biography on your life story.

    A friend will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing. A best friend will always go with you.

    A friend will say, "I'm here for you." A best friend will be right there with you.

    A friend will say, "Can I come over?" A best friend would just show up.

    A friend brings pictures back from a vacation. A best friend will take you.

    A friend will come to your birthday party. A best friend will give you a party.

    A friend will ask you to stay the night. A best friend will ask you to stay the week.

    A friend will call and ask if you feel better. A best friend will come see you.


    people come and people go...

    you'll be loved by many and hated by some

    but when it comes down to it..

    friends are there for the long run...


    a ( real friend ) is someone who could be crying

    her eyes out, & she'd still ask you how you are


    A friend can be true until you die but a best friend knows where you’re going to go after that


    A lifetime of love in a hug or a smile, a reason to visit and stay for awhile, the strength of a bond that is destined to last, the joys for the present, the warmth of the past. These are the treasures a fortunate few are lucky to cherish all their lives. Through these are the blessings on which we depend, for these are the gifts of a very best friend.


    A hug, a giggle, a how’s my hair. I know you’ll be there until the end. My sister forever. My true best friend


    All the remember when’s and what’s going on tonight’s,

    uncontrollable laughter and even stupid fights

    but nothing in this world could tear us apart.

    You’ve become more than my best friend.

    You’re my sister, my heart.


    Alone? I’m beside you. Afraid? I’ll comfort you. Need a hug? My arms are yours. Hurt? You can cry on my shoulder. I don’t promise to solve your problems but at least I’ll cry with you. Why? Simply because I care and I love you.


    Are you upset, little friend? Have you been lying awake worrying? Well, don’t worry. I'm here. The flood waters will recede. The famine will end. The sun will shine tomorrow and I will always be here to take care of you.

  8. "And when the night is cloudy, there is still a light that shines on me. Shine on till tomorrow, Let it be."

    -Let it be, the Beatles

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