
Good reasons to go back to school next week?

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i really dont want to go :(

so can anyone give me some good reasons why

or how to make it more fun

my friends are excited about going back to school, and im not,

how can i be excited

i need reeeeeeeeeeasons to be happy.

its booooooring.




  1. Always be positive-  people in developed countries like America and England have to go school no matter what problems they have some people may get bullied at school. At least you have friends! Spending time with them will be fun. Be happy that you at least have a chance for an education I know its cliched but there are loads of people who would die to have an opportunity to learn so they can become somebody. You can become somebody, you can earn good money and a get job making a difference.

    Be positive and find perspective!

    Good Luck for school

  2. 1. School will be over before you know it

    2. you will get to see tons of hot guys (or girls, if you like that)

    3. you can make new friends

    4. you wouldn't want to be someone who can't find a job because they didn't finish high school.

    School will be great! Just try to psych yourself up.

  3. There is no good incentives , You have to go to school then try to make the best out of it .... Get an education maybe someday you can use it to get you some extra cash that you will need once your parents stop supporting you or else you will be at best a checkout girl or an addition to the  surplus of homeless / junkies

    Sorry for being that harsh but this is life ...

    Good luck and enjoy it while it last

  4. I know school is not interest but you need to go to school get a diploma and then you can get a job making 10 and up an hour.

  5. 1. Be excited to see your friends!

    2. Study hard, or you can't enjoy for the rest of your life

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