
Good reasons to stay alive?

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Good reasons to stay alive?




  1. The adventure of the unknown that is just around the next corner.  There will be peaks and valleys in life, but that's the challenge of it.  Forget about today because tomorrow offers a whole bunch of new challenges.  Some better than others, but still worth the investigation.  Never live in the past.  You can't change what has already been done, so focus on the future.  It can only get better and you have to power to make changes for your future.

  2. Because you don't know what life is like after you die.  That alone proves there is no reasons to end life.

  3. I adore the beautiful sunset! In quiet moments even when I am alone..

    I can cherish all even the smallest beautiful thing I may encounter. Then tell myself, How lucky I am to feel things through my senses.

    It's wonderful, when you feel life around you or simply just in nature.

    Like a beautiful flower in a garden.

  4. You have the chance of having a beautiful day tomorrow.

  5. What saved me was knowing people wold love to see me gone so they don't have to answer to their wrong doing and make them look and feel bad.

  6. LIFE IS WONDERFUL THING!!! think of ur family!!!!!!!!!

  7. Mine personally? To wake up the worst of some rotten tactics of NYPD's abuses of others.That is my answer.

  8. 1.) To benefit those whose lives you have not come into contact with yet.

    2.) To share new experiences with those you have true and real connections with.

  9. The future may bring much better results than did the past:

    You may find love, happiness, and peace.

    You may have writing published, paintings sold, an invention patented, become head of your much more.

    You may have children to love.

    You may just win a jackpot or the Lottery!

    You may make new and better friends

    You may find a new line of work; a much better life.

    Life is so very short, anyway...why would anyone want to cut it even shorter?

  10. Never knowing what life would have been like later on down the road!

  11. To walk in to the paradise earth and never have to die.

  12. “Happiness depends upon ourselves.”

    - Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC)

    If you can wrap your head around that, and be happy, then the answer is everything.  Everything in life is worth living for, as long as your happy.

  13. Each new breath, the love of a good person, sunrise, sunset.  Life is the biggest adventure there is.  Butterfly kisses from a child you love.

  14. the alternative- death

  15. If you kill yourself you'd burn in h**l for eternity.

    For me, I stay alive for my family and friends.  Because each day holds something new, whether it be good or bad.

  16. if you die ppl will miss you unless you have no friends and your family hates you

  17. life is not like chasing pavement that leads to no where.

    we need no reasons to live, but just one that is good enough.

    Because we are here, in this moment while many others cannot.   Joy is now, not when we have a good reason to be happy, or a good job to celebrate, or a nice care or a satisfying amount of  wealth or a new video game is coming out or things are beautiful or what happened and what is yet to happen.

    Surrender to the unknown.

  18. Death is boring. Heaven h**l, boring...until I see a theory on reincarnation for EVERYONE, overrated.

    I want to live over and over different times, as a guy, a girl, as a white person, an asian, whatever...I want to live forever in that sense.

  19. love, to be a success just by turning your life around, family, people who like you- some people just hate to see people go. the older u get the more u know ( obviously ) , but to just see how much you will learn. i notice things now that amaze me. little things.

  20. The future may bring much better results than did the past, have faith in all things you seek for, you may have it...

  21. I used to ask the same thing until My wonderful family! I never want to leave my husband or be without him. It about killed us both for him to go on a business trip for two days. My children, I love them dearly! I want to see them go through school, get married, and have grandchildren someday. Oh, and my animals! Who would take care of my babies like I do?

  22. my wonderful boyfriend, amazing experiences, travel, education, frinds, family, the possibility that you could change the world, being part of someone elses life, helping others, helping yourself, cookies, icecream, a good book in front of a fire on a cold rainy day, cute puppys, a great video game, meeting someone famouse, creating new art, haveing good conversation with an old friend on a corner tea shop, having kids, raising a family, opening Christmas presents, learning how to play the piano from ou grandpa, teaching a small child about the sounds that Rice Crispie cereal makes, there is so many things to live for that i dont plan on dieing any time soon!

  23. A good reason to stay alive is:

    To make the world a better place for us.

    To teach the world about you and the things that you've experienced.

    To learn about the life you've not lived yet.

    Whether you make the world better or worse you will change it and change inspires evolution.

  24. Life is amazing in every aspect =D

  25. Love. You need to have a peaceful spirit within yourself. If you don't, that is why you would hate life. If your experiecing jealously, hatred, depression, your spirit is effected and you dont have peace.

  26. Think of all the people who will be hurt if you were to die. Every person you can think of is one reason to live.

  27. What Will You Choose?

    We have a choice today. We can use our free will in one of two ways: We can choose to ignore God’s purposes, be satisfied with imperfect human rule and share its destiny, or we can use our freedom of choice to learn what God’s purposes are and what we need to do to please him as devoted subjects of his Kingdom.

    Jesus said to God in prayer: “This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ.” (John 17:3) So if we want life in the new world, we need to make the effort to learn the truth about God, his purposes, and his requirements. Note how the Bible puts it: “Jehovah is with you as long as you prove to be with him; and if you search for him, he will let himself be found by you, but if you leave him he will leave you.”—2 Chronicles 15:2.

    Time is running out for this old world; a new one is on the way in: “The world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever.” (1 John 2:17) Which will you choose—the outgoing old world or the incoming new one?

    God’s Word states: “I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life in order that you may keep alive, you and your offspring, by loving Jehovah your God, by listening to his voice and by sticking to him; for he is your life and the length of your days.”—Deuteronomy 30:19, 20.

    Is it your desire to enjoy the blessings that God has in store for those who conform their will to his? The publishers of this magazine or Jehovah’s Witnesses anywhere in the world will be happy to assist you, free of charge, to learn more about this.

    The dead will have the opportunity to live in God’s new world by being resurrected from the grave, imagine meeting Jonah,Samson,Job or seeing a loved one again!

  28. Your life is worth more than any woman, or any tough situation that you may be facing.

  29. Honestly, I'm debating the same question right now.  The answers that I have come up with all seem so pointless. Like Family, Friends, Who will care for my pets.... Then I realize that the only reason that anyone should have to stay alive is for themselves. If we are only here to please others or for an object, it is pointless. They can all go away or even be taken away, but when you do it for yourself, that can NEVER be taken away from you, because it's who you are and only you have control of it...

  30. life itself is so amazing and just awsome..the good the bad..growing into an individual...

  31. Top ten reasons to keep living:

    10. Chocolate

    9. ********'s

    8. 5 dollar drive in night

    7. only four more years till you get to see the apocolypse

    6. booze sweet booze

    5. must leave legacy, self portrait, book or album

    4. have i mentioned ********'s and chocolate

    3. dying sucks

    2. can always hope for a new season of 24

    And the number one reason to stay alive, I keep gettin older but college girls stay the same age.

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