
Good relay time???

by Guest59124  |  earlier

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Hey im on an 8th grade boys track team and i personally think our realy team is awsome. Our best 4x1 time is 52.57 seconds. Is this a good time?




  1. I am in 8th grade also that is really good because me and my team run a 48.2(we kill every1) and I am the slowest one though I run a 12.3 100m

  2. I'm on the girls team in my town, and our 4x1 has run a 52.6. So if you're a boys team, then a really good time would be under 50. But your time is still okay, though I doubt you'll be winning at any big meets.

  3. for being in eighth grade its good. but it needs to be about 50 seconds or under to be great.

  4. Thats good because mY team owns and we ran a 51.69 in the 4x1

  5. im in 7th & my relay team time is 50 flat
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