
Good rugby position?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 15 years old, 56 kilos i got high metabolism, how can i gain weight?

also, i'm not super fast, but i guess better than average, my tackles aren't bad, my fitness isn't excellent but i can make through a full match pretty well, my agility isn't very good either.

i've been tested as no. 8 scrumhalf, wing and outside center, i stay as scrumhalf most often. Is there any other position that i may be better at? i like joining rucks more than i like passing out balls. But i get frustrated with the lack of action i get because i have to "follow the ball" so it starts with me attacking the scrumhalf, then the flyhalf, follows down the back line, its tiring, and i don't get to tackle.

Also, how could i gain weight, and muscle




  1. 2nd row ,and to gain weight and muscle be sure to eat lenty of nutreints b4 a game, and for the muscle go down the gym on a 12 week course (take it from sum1 who knows ;))

  2. LOL...boy o boy.. you play scrumhalf and dont like it?? god whats wrong .. you must not be a very good scrumhalf.. scurmhalf is the best position when you are good at it.. if you want action and tackles play in the forwards.. of course your not big enough yet but you can try if your only 15 so second row.. eight man they are good ones to do.. maybe even flanker..and you wanna know somethin about getting bigger?... dont worry about it right now your only 15 weight a couple years then start at the gym and whatnot. if you wanna put on fat weight well then you have to find a way to slow your metabolism down.. protein shakes work wonders.. but you cant over do it. Take a shake with every meal and youll see weight get put on .. hope this helps
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