
Good scholarships for homeschoolers?

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My younger brother is home schooled and is starting college this Fall and he's looking for ways to receive scholarships.

When I attended university I had a really hard time finding scholarships beforehand since I had been home schooled and didn't have any official record of sports activities or extracurricular activities and had no guidance counselor to help me submit applications.

I'm wondering if perhaps I just went about it the wrong way?

What's the best way to find scholarships for him?

Are there any scholarships he could receive based on his artistic ability or writing? He's quite good at creative writing and drawing.

Any help and advice would be much appreciated.

Thank you!




  1. here are some helpful website, hopefully:

    most recommend website for scholarships!! you might have to register for this website but they ask tons of questions that help you find the exact scholarships for you...and i believe they have a homeschooled option to click on.

  2. I'm homeschooled also, and took the SAT earlier this year. Next year for 6th grade I'm going to David Crockett Middle School. I unfortunatley do not have an idea, but my best friend is homeschooled-actually her whole family (10 people!) are homeschooled and her parents know a lot about homeschooling stuff. I'll be sure to ask them and get some more info. I'll email you the info I do get! Oh, by the way, what organization was your brother homeschooled with?

  3. The first thing he needs should have done was take the ACT and/or SAT - preferrably in his junior year, and more than one time to keep the best score.

    Then in the summer before his senior year, he should have started applying for scholarships.  If he has a college or university in mind, he should contact their financial aid office for an application to their scholarships (given on behalf of the school).

    Then he needs to contact state, and local, organizations - with his skill in creative arts - I recommend art and cultural organizations.  Such as an art guild, or a museum.  For instance, I was going to study hotel & restaurant management.  So I contacted the state restaurant association and rec'd a scholarship from them.  Then I also contacted the restaurant purveyor's (those who sell supplies to restaurants) association and rec'd another scholarship from them.

    Also, credit unions and your parent's employer may have scholarship funds.  So do businesses who employ students.

    Your brother is late in applying for scholarships if he's starting this fall.  He may still be able to find some, but most are given in the winter and early spring.  That was my experience.  I rec'd them all four years of university.  You may have experienced the same thing.  I'm sorry your parents weren't more on top of this for you and your brother.

    As for "official" records, records from your parents are just fine and satisfy the requirements for scholarships and for college admissions.  There again, your parents failed you.  You and your brother should have transcripts of all four years of high school, a portfolio, SAT/ACT testing, and a diploma.  That is what is needed for scholarships and admissions.  Some require interviews also.

    While he may be too late this year for scholarships, he can try again for his sophomore year.  He needs to apply for them *in the fall semester* of this year and not wait until spring semester.  His college/university's financial aid office will have details.  He should apply through them for the school ones, and still look for community-based scholarships.


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