
Good schoolies destinations?

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hey everyone!

My friends and I have been looking at different places to celebrate schoolies but we haven't found a place that sounds cool. This question is mainly addressed to those who have been on schoolies already and can recommend some where. We live in Australia in Brisbane so if anyone could plz recommend some where that would be a great help! Oh yeah and places like the Gold Coast we don't want to go because the people there take it to far, we were looking at places that has also entertaining activities as well.

All Recommendations will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!




  1. Have you looked into any Club Meds? the price includes all food and drink ,including alcohol. The destinations are great and there are activities on all day and night if you want to join in. The facilities are also fantastic. My son has organised a big group to go this year and I know that they will have a fantastic time.

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