
Good screening plant that can handle shade and dry, dusty soil?

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I have a really tricky area in my backyard, right up against the fence that separates my yard from the people behind me.

I do not like the people behind me.

What I need is a perennial that is a minimum of four feet in height. Five and a half or bigger is ideal, but preferably no trees. Something ideally okay with being in only 2-3 hours of direct sun during the late afternoon (the neighbors have what I think is a norway spruce right against our fence) and partial/full shade for the rest of the day. The soil back there is dusty and dry, but if there's something that fits those other two conditions that needs good soil, I can compost the heck out of it.





  1. You might also try some varieties of speedwell.  Sometimes it is called Culver's root.  Those things grow pretty densely, and have purple or white spikey flowers in bloom.  Mine doesn't get much sun and it is still doing well at about 4 feet.  It can get 5 feet or more.

    It is also a wildflower, so highly adaptable to adverse conditions once established.

    I've attached a link for a picture below

  2. Check into a perennial called Joe Pye Weed...or try a bridal veil bush...If there is a fence to climb...a climbing hydrangea...they start a little slow...but once established they are beautiful and would provide good coverage.

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