
Good show rabbit food?

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I just started raising Standard Chinchilla bunnies, and I need a good show quality bunny food that I can find around Orlando, Florida.




  1. I dont know what kind of alfalfa pellets you can find around there but I feed purina show rabbit. I also feed rolled oats(you can use quakers oats too, not the instant kind though), calf manna, and flax seed. they really like it and it does wonders for their coat.

  2. Oxbow is the best bunny feed

  3. Many breeders in my area feed Pen Pals by ADM. I am not sure if you can get it in Florida, but it is a good feed.

    You can supplement their pellets with a mix of Oats(like the kind you eat, not cooked or instant), Black Oil Sunflower seeds, flax seed, and Calf Manna. Mix 1 cup of each and feed 1 teaspoon, 3 times a week as a top dressing on their pellets. You can also add Barley to build muscle and Wheat germ to boost reproduction.

    Try and buy your feed from a feed store or mill, avoid pet stores and stores like Walmart.
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