
Good soccer drills to improve touch and shots?

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I'm 16 and I'm going to be a junior in high school. i have been on the junior varsity team both freshman and sophomore i want to be able to play with the varsity team..i played with varsity during the summer but there were 12 new girls and only 4 of us will make it.




  1. Well you can start by getting some cones and dribbling through them. You can also find some friends and do a drill where you run around you one friend in a circle and they pass you the ball and you keep running and dont stop you just pass the ball back. Stuff like that. And for shots kick the ball against a wall.

  2. start by dribbling around in an in closed area for maybe 45 mins with breaks.For shots u should practice shooting without the ball then see how it works with the ball  

  3. Muscle memory is very important in football, but I think conditioning is #1.  It doesn't matter how well you control the football if you can't get to it first, remember that.  Get your conditioning down before you work on dribbling.  Get to know you defender's body language as well, that will definitely help you to kick the ball past her and fake her out.

    Coaches love hustle more than anything else.  If you can run up and down the football pitch repeatedly and not get tired, you'll be a shoe-in.

  4. well what i do is i take random objects like pool toys or pretty much anything and lay them out in my yard and dribble around them. if you do it for a long time you get much better at learning how to dribble around opponents and that way you dont need to buy cones. also if you have a pitch back or kick back you can try to take a shot directly at the net which defiantely improves your accuracy especially when the net is narrow.

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