
Good song for my situation?

by  |  earlier

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i have been with my boyfriend for 5 years now,we have a 9 month old son together and neither one of us is happy, we always argue, he doesn't do anything for the baby and I'm stuck with the baby 24/7...the only thing he is good for is buying the things that the baby needs... he has a friend that is totally amazing, i mean the guy is more of a friend to me cuz we are much closer, and we have recently discovered that we have a crush on each other, and feelings are starting to get stronger,and it basically seems like we are dating, he fixes my car and helps me in any way possible... he cares about me...he is confused about things because he doesn't know what to do and doesn't want to stab his friend in the back by taking me away from him, which i wouldn't mind at all because i have been wanting out of the relationship for a long time now...what should i do and what would be a good song for my situation? its for my myspace...




  1. Usher- You Make Me Wanna

    And its not your fault that you feel this way. You do need to think about your son and see if that would be a good decision. But if your heart is leading you away follow and be ready to handle the consequences. Good luck.

  2. Will Mellor - When I need Love, I'll post the lin when I find it

    EDIT: Sorry I mean Leo Sawyer or Will Mellor

    Heres a link to the song

    Or if you just want cheering up and wanna good laugh try this

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