
Good source of energy?

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What's a product I can find around my house or buy at a local gas station/711 that can give me some energy. No 5 hour energy drinks either I'm 15





  1. Honey athletes used to eat some honey before races/ events.

  2. Eat nuts, natural source of protein, energy..but only if you don't have allergies to them.

  3. If you want real energy, your going to need carbs, such as bread, nuts, etc.  If you want a quick burst than you go with caffeine, however even though you feel awake your work might not be done correctly or precisely.

    For example: pulling an all nighter to go study/ cram for a midterm, final or any test.  Most college students try to stay awake on energy drinks (with high caffeine) to do last minute studying and study through until test time.  However their last 3-4 hours of studying probably didn't do them much because the information they read is not sticking to their brains or they are too tired and can't focus.

    Honestly what I do through out the day is constantly eat every 2-3 hours.  That way you never really feel hungry and always have some energy.  Food is energy, a food you can buy at a local gas station to give you energy is trail mixes, power bars.

    Or the caffeine route: an energy drink

  4. Solar panels.

  5. If you eat healthy and exercise regularly, then you should have energy to spare, especially if you are 15. Stay away from sugary foods and drinks and high fat foods as these items tend to drag your system down. Fresh fruits and veggies are the best way to get energy that will last, try also Ginko Biloba and Ginseng for an added boost. Carbohydrates like potatoes (NOT french fries) is great for an energy lift too. You should eat small portions often through out the day and avoid stuffing yourself. Avoid caffeine, even natural caffeine like Guarana, as they will eventually crash your system as well.

  6. As this question has been categorised in 'environment', I answer the question in this context.

    Good source of energy is the energy which is derived/generated from natural resources like sun, wind, water, tidal waves, lightning, and so on wherein no degradation of environment is caused and substituting fossil fuels which are exploited rapidly by mankind.
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