
Good <span title="Contemporary/Modern/Lyrical">Contemporary/Modern/Lyric...</span> Songs?

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Anyone have any ideas?

All ideas are accepted! Thanks for the help!




  1. Songs from Jewel&#039;s earlier career might be good. Foolish Games, or You Were Meant for Me. These are older though. Newer ones--check out songs by Neko Case from New Pornographers and also stuff by Vienna Teng.

  2. depending on what tempo you want, keri noble has some really good songs. not many people use her either so you wont have to worry about everyone having the same song as you. i wont suggest a specific song of hers, i love them all, but i think you really need to listen to a few to find the perfect one to fit your style. good luck!

  3. Coldplay is a really good band.

    And so is Death Cab for Cutie.

    But as for songs, there are too many good ones to name. Just look up a few songs, and I&#039;m sure you&#039;ll find some good songs.:)

  4. You can sing Viva La Vida, (from the i-Tunes commercial) Taylor Swift, Soak up the sun by Sheryl Crow. But if you really want to sing, may I suggest  American Idiot by Green Day?

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