
Good spelling books?

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I remember having a few good spelling books, but I can't find them anywhere :(.

Does anyone know of some good ones? Or should I just get wordly wise 3000 for vocabulary instead? (I don't really have any problems spelling anything)




  1. At your level, I would really recommend the Wordly Wise or something similar, as well as  This site will give you the etymology behind nearly any word, which will help you with spelling patterns.

    Once you have the spelling patterns down and are fairly confident with them (which is the level I think you're at), vocab builders are best - and you'll be able to see more advanced spelling patterns in the words as well.

    Spelling books really depend on your learning style - the best one I have seen is called Tricks of the Trade, it's a yellow cover with black writing.  It comes with a smaller handbook, and outlines all of the phonetic patterns while letting you input your own words in the correct categories.  Here's a link:

    This one may be a bit young for you, not sure, but I know high schoolers have used it.  If you're looking to compile a spelling reference, it might be useful.  (Otherwise, I'd say just stick to the vocab.)

    Hope that helps!

    (I love your curriculum questions by the way - they get me thinking in detail toward what to order for my son as he gets older!)

  2. ABEKA is nice I guess but it doesn't go through all the grades.

    Or you can just take a vocabulary list and use that

  3. This year I'm going to use Spell to Read and Write. It'll be my first year and I've been preparing for it so I can teach it properly.  It's pretty involved and teaches the spelling rules which my boys haven't been getting with Spelling Power.  I hear great things about the rusults.  It seems great so far.  I'll let you know...

  4. We use Wordly Wise 3000, and find it to be one of the best for spelling, vocabulary, and reading comprehension all in one.

    For more proficiency, and practice in spelling, and writing I would recommend Write Shop.

  5. read the dictionary, or a thesaurus
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