
Good teen summer camps in the sanfrancisco bay area. PLEASE HELP. =[?

by  |  earlier

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Okay well im 14 and i need a good summer camp for this summer, cos my mum is making me go to one. So far i cant find anything and the stuff i do find is too far away. I live in LOS ALTOS. So something near there is what i need.

I dont want a school camp. I would like something like a adventure camp, or a sport camp or something like that. It can be day camp or over night camp. But if overnight, only for a week or less overnight.

Please help. And remember it cant be too far away, especially if its a day camp!





  1. Hey, I live in the San Francisco Bay Area as well and I am looking for some camps for my kids.

    Stanford has some great iD Tech programs going on! I may enroll my son or daughter in one of them. Slightly expensive, but it's an overnight camp (for a week, I believe) and teaches you a lot!

    Check your local recreation center. I know in my city, one of the smallest SF bay area cities, they have a lot of day camps going on and according to my kids, they're really fun. Hopefully, your rec center will have a catalog.

    Try this:

    You might find something you like!

  2. u can try camp mendoncino i went there 1 summer it was cool u should check it out

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