
Good thing I dont smoke? For smokers or non.?

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I already have a drinking habbit and I drink like a 6 pack a it a good thing I dont smoke b/c I would spend more money ? That would be like $12 when I do buy beer and cigs and people would be bumming off of me cigs. Smokers say something...




  1. After 25 years of smoking 30+ a day. (Cigs now over $13 for a pack  of 30 here) I gave up about 2 and a half years ago, I now have my very first vehicle, my computer and my lap top, a new bed and couch and I recently purchased a $1300 camera. I get so angry with myself when thinking what I could have had if only I hadn't taken that first puff! I still crave a cig from time to time but I don't miss the continual hacking cough that I used to have! If you've never had a cig, keep it that way!

  2. Wow... 5 dollars a pack... don't move to Canada it's about $11 dollars for a pack of 25!

  3. Alcohol is probably better for you than cigarettes in the long run.  In the short run, it's tough to say; if you bought one extra six pack per day, the long term damage to your liver might offset the damage not done to your lungs, but remember: your liver, given enough time without drinking, can repair itself.  Much of the damage done to your lungs by smoking is irreparable.

  4. Well, we all have our habits.. I don't smoke too often, but I agree that $5 for a pack of cigs is a little much, especially when you're just hurting yourself in the end. But it's definitely not just with smoking and drinking - I buy at least two energy drinks per day, and that pretty much costs the same as if I smoked a pack a day. *shrug*.

    And what on earth kind of beer do you drink? Maybe downsize to Milwakee's Best.. lol.=]  

  5. i smoke and drink... of course its a good thing you dont smoke... its expensive and its bad for you...

    yeah.. you end up giving away 1/4 of your pack to friends etc.. its an expensive habit..

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