
Good things about Facebook?

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Hey I want a facebook really bad so I can talk to all of my friends, but my parents are really against it. What can I tell them about to ease their fears?




  1. You can connect with classmates

  2. It's absolutely NOTHING like myspace, I have both.. but trust me you have protect yourself sooo much more on facebook.. to the point where if someone is not friends with you, they can't see your picture, profile, message you.. nothing! You would have to add them to talk to them, etc. Let them know that it's very high class compared to myspace.. just let them read this message haha. Really mom & dad.. i'm 18, my friends left for school and Facebook is amazing! It's not bad, at all! :)

  3. same my parents refuse to let me get one even though there are like 30 pics of me on there. but face book is alot safer than myspace  

  4. Tell them it is strong on privacy, the purpose of Facebook is to communicate with EXISTING friends from school, work, or anywhere else you have met friends from. You can literally set your profile to be invisible from the search listings.  

  5. i like talking to friends on there  

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