
Good things about the northern (england) accent?

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what do you like about it compared to the south? vise versa




  1. I love the way that northerners can swear and it doesn't sound as bad as a southerner. Fook sounds so much better than f**k.

  2. love being northern go yorkshire.

    yes yorkshire was voted the friendliest accent in in england, cant blame em really, plus all the greenery we have, pure drinking water, and of course yorkshire puds yay.

    i love the geordie accent cant stand brummie, essex or scouse accents, lived in essex years ago and people down threre are so stressed always rushing about.

    a tip for you southerners chill out slow down u only live once

  3. am a geordie and i love liverpool acents!

  4. i'm a southerner & i really love the jolly geordie accent...!

  5. sometimes south sounds so.......chavvy and gangstery. i hate it, despite being from essex

    but i'm not always a big fan of northern accents either. i don't understand grimsby or lancashire people. but i like sunderland :)

  6. i'm from Lancashire, i think the accents around here are very varied and sound rate good. Also i think we have better colloquialisms around these parts.

    to the poster who said they can't understand people from Lancashire. I really don't know why you would have problems with understanding us. There is nowt wrong with the way we speak, it's clear as a bell ;-)

  7. think northerns sound friendlier and more up for having a laugh - know this is not always true though and just a first impression for all you southerns reading this :)

  8. Are we talking Lancashire and Yorkshire, or Geordie?

    When not so strong as to be incomprehensible to outsiders,

    they can be much preferred to the extremes of either "upper class" plum, or lower class chav, from Dahn Sarf.

    From many years ago now, but unforgettable:

    A Geordie father, at Newcastle airport, on being informed that he and his family could not fly on holiday to Sarajevo, as it was now a war zone...

    "But we've boooked!"

  9. it's warmer, real, and friendly.

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