
Good things and bad things about owning a gerbil?

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Good things and bad things about owning a gerbil?




  1. I do not recommend gerbils, as I view them as the most undesirable rodent pet around. I am a veterinarian at a vet center in New York City, and I've heard many complaints with health for gerbils, and cleanliness.

    They're also not the sharpest tool in the shed! If you want something that looks similar to gerbils, you can get rats. They're extremely smart and playful. They're fairly easy to keep as pets.

    If you do not like rats, the next thing I would resort to are mice. Mice are extremely friendly as well, but they're significantly smaller than gerbils and rats. They do have an odor, so you might need to clean their cage more often than other rodents.

    If you do not like rats or mice, I would recommend that you go to hamsters. The only thing I do not like about hamsters is their life span. They do not live for that long, I've heard maximum 3.5 years in my vet center. They're also easy to keep, but they're hard to tame. The only type hamster I've never had a problem taming was teddy bear hamsters. Dwarf are not for first hamster owners, because they are extremely skittish and hard to handle.

    If you do not like rats, mice or hamsters, I'd go with guinea pigs. I prefer them out of any rodent pet, because of their docile nature. You barely need to tame them at all. I've never been bitten by my guinea pig, nor have I ever had a problem. They live for about 5-8 years, but it's not unusual to live for 9-10. They are not hard to keep either, but need a lot of space.

    Bunnies are the extremely high maintenance.

  2. Gerbils are awesome.

  3. Pros:

    - Friendly and curious, will go to investigate if you put a new item in their cage/gerbilarium.

    - Don't smell like hammies, because they are desert animals and do not drink or eat much.

    - Can learn you by smell and climb into your hand.

    - Love to dig and make extensive tunnels, if they are in a clear aquarium when doing so you can see their little underground cities. Fun to watch. ^^

    - Won't bite or nibble as much as hamsters, however, any animal CAN bite, this is just saying that gerbils don't tend to do it as often as other small critters.

    - Easy to hold once they get used to you.

    - More intelligent than most people think...although they are like cats, intelligent but not necessarily willing to be "trained."

    - If they know you well, they can be taught to take food from your hand. I reccommend starting with sunflower seeds and holding them in front of the gerb with the pointed side facing them.

    - Are extremely dexterous and can eat, wash their face, burrow, etc. with their small and delicate front paws...yet at the same time their large and powerful back legs are built for running and jumping. Gerbils can jump very high and become escape artists if the lid is left off of their cage.

    - The lifespan of a gerbil is significantly longer than that of most other small rodent species. Whereas a hamster lives only 2-3 years, a gerbil can live anywhere from 3-5 or even SIX wonderful years if properly cared for, is living with a cagemate, and has never been bred.

    - Gerbils are not nocturnal like other small rodents, they are awake during large parts and the day and are for the most part asleep when we are, so no noisy wheel-running to wake you up in the middle of the night! x3


    - Need at least a day or two alone in their new cage when they are at their new home to adjust to their surroundings.

    - Need TONS of chewing material. As their teeth are constantly growing, if they go too long without material to knaw on their teeth will literally grow into their bottom jaw, preventing them from eating. Very serious matter, so always keep your gerbil stocked with toilet paper tubes and other wooden toys or things. Not only does it provide dental care, it's also fun for them. Keep in mind, no plastic, rubber, or cotton can be used as chewing material.

    One more side note. This is VERY important. Gerbils are highly social animals and should ALWAYS be kept in pairs or trios of the same gender [unless you want to breed, but for a first time owner that's not advisable.] For males, two or three is a fine number, but girls should only be kept in pairs. They crave the companionship of other gerbils and will become very depressed and lonely without a cagemate. Never mix gerbils with other rodent species, however, and if you obtain two gerbils from seperate litters, make sure to introduce them properly through the "Split Cage Method" [do a google search, there's lots of stuff about it.] PLEASE, Never keep gerbs alone. <3

    ** If you want a gerb to match your lifestyle, decide on their gender from the general differences in personality of male and female. Males are generally calmer and willing to sit in your hand for long periods of time without squirming, but are less likely to be active and running about in their cage. Females are more playful and inquisitive, but much harder to hold, as they want to constantly be going someplace and doing something. Fun to watch but difficult to hold. [Please note these descriptions don't obtain to all gerbils, only a majority.]

  4. there cute but hoppy and there more intrested about doing there own thing but there just plain adorable!

  5. Well the only bad thing about gerbils are that they are a tiny bit noisy, nothing else

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