
Good tips to help calm nerves?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so im really nervous about starting soccer tomorrow. i am almost always worried about who will be on the team, and if any people i know will be on the team. the soccer organization doesn't post any team lists or anything, so im completly stuck. what can i do to calm my nerves??




  1. Deep Breathing...Yogo...Relax

  2. Suck down a miller lite and then take a shot of jagermeister.  I am totally kidding.  Do some jumping jacks and then trying deep breathing for 5 - 10 minutes.  

  3. try deep breathing.

    inhale for 5 seconds, hold it for 5, and exhale for 5.

    try it several times... helps to calm me down :]

    [or you could smoke some pot]  

  4. Get some exercise, listen to music, watch TV.  just do things you would normally do when there isn't soccer.

  5. DON'T SMOKE POT!    just calm down it's nothing you need to get to worried about

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