
Good to Watch?

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Is it good for a 13 year old to watch CHiago.




  1. depends on the chaps maturity

  2. if the parents allow the kid to watch it then i think it would be a good movie

    fun and a classic

  3. Once You Hit 10, Kids Should Have The Right To Watch Anything!

  4. I saw chicago when I was 11.

  5. I think that it would be ok.

  6. Sure. It is a musical after all. It is not as though a teen in 2008 will get bad suggestions that will negatively influence his/her life by watching it. That movie is much more about the song and dance and perhaps some history. If anything it will bring culture into their life.

    At 13 you will hard pressed to prevent them from seeing stuff like this anyway. There are far worse things out there that you should concentrate on censoring. This is not one of them.

    Watch it with them if your still worried.
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