
Good to have 2 shots of different vaccinations at one time?

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Hi guys just wondering if it is okay to have two different kinds of vaccinations at the same time e.g measles,mumps and rubella in one arm and the varicella vaccine in the other arm is this okay... or am i in for some nasty side affects or maybe lethal overdose??????

Any help is great.....!




  1. Yes its fine. They do it all the time.

  2. They do it all the time, that is true.  But it is not fine.  The more shots you get at one time, the higher chance of dangerous side effects.  The doctor or nurse will not tell you that.  But it is true, and it is also common sense.  Vaccines put a lot of stress on the body.  So there's more stress on the body the more you get at one time.

    If you are getting the shots for school, you should know that there are exemptions in 48 states.

    An alternative to getting an exemption for these vaccines would be to get your titers checked.  That is where your blood is tested to see if you have antibodies to the diseases.  You probably do, if you've ever had the vaccines or the diseases themselves.

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