
Good to say?"u look friendly so I want to be ur friend"?

by  |  earlier

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When there is girl who looks very friendly and who could respect me, say to her , say this to her, good idea? she will accept me to be friend? or she will think dont judge me by seeing me for few seconds.




  1. no don't say anything. just because a girl looks friendly means that she will go to bed with you. you got to respect her and her decisions and she will respect yours. alot of people are friendly but they have their limits. the answer to the question.===== don't judge me by seeing me for a few seconds.

  2. no you dont just go up to someone and say 'hello can i be your friend' you make an exscuse to talk to a lass by either purposly going past her and say excuse me, sorry, you alright etc, then at the bar you say hello again and whilst waiting to get served you have a little chat and build it from there after a while youll be used to one another to talk more and become friends

  3. ... Yes, that is pretty odd. Ask her to hang out. =]

  4. I love Irishman's answer lol! Though it is a bit forward to say that and she may well think it's weird. Strike up a conversation, if you become friends fine, but NEVER say i want to be your friend, it's what kids in primary school do, and she will run for the hills. Also you can't tell whether someone will respect you after a few seconds, maybe she has to be friendly for her job, sometimes girls are friendly to start with when they're shy. You sound too desperate and you will scare girls away like that.

  5. She will think you are creepy.

  6. Tell her..."hey beautiful!...I am .................! and you are?" confidently with a smile. That's more manly.

    And if she stares at you, be cool and say this with a smile "this is where you say hello I am ............... or you freak out thinking i am creepy and walk away"

  7. personalee i wesh that it was that easy liek it was in preschool. but people well thenk u have the mind of a preschooler if u ask that. make small conversation an be friendlee, an talk about thengs u have in common an thengs well develope from there ♥  

  8. dont say you want to be her friend, just be nice to her and talk to her and you might become friends, you have to make an effort

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