
Good track nickname...?

by  |  earlier

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i'm in 6th grade and we are getting t-shirts and i want a good nickname on the back of mine, anything as long as it's nice and not bad.. (you know what i mean) im a sprinter, do high and long jump and my name is Jillian if that helps any!





  1. jillster haha

  2. Jilly Billy, Long Jump Jill, 100 jeter

  3. Jumpy Jill

  4. Ha, I know it has nothing to do with Jill, but I think "footloose" is a good nickname for a runner. Or something that distinguishes you from every one else can be a good nickname. Well, I hope you find one. Sorry I wasn't much help.

  5. super corny- jill skill

  6. ummm... arent u suppose to be like 13 to be on yahhoo answers??? YOUR GONNA GET RAPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Jill Skillet

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