
Good training for Parkour?

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I'm just learning about parkour and I was wondering if anyone knew some good training methods. I'm not really in great shape so mainly like stregnth builders and exercises that build a good jump. I need something interesting to keep me going.




  1. run a lot, lift weights, practice all of the techniques, and dont be afraid to try something new.

  2. plyometrics.  that is the tech term for jumping and bounding exercises that would give you the explosivness required for.. ahem parkour

    seriously... lets give it a cooler name. parkour sounds like some french wussy stuff.

    how about Ninja Gymnastics or.. Super-Uber_Leet Skeet jumping...

    anyways... to do well in Ninja Gymnastics

    1)Aerobic base. Got to have it to do well in any physical activity. Do some long walking or running.

    2)Strength. You have to be able to lift your own body weight. i.e. push ups, pull ups, squats, ect... no need to bring in dumbells till you get really good with your own weight.

    3)power.  you will need to develop strong conections between your bones and tendons. or else you will pull something jumping around and grabing on to stuff.

    to strengthen this.. throw medicine balls around, do plyometrics, and most fun of all...

    go to a big playground and just hang around.  use all of the equipment there. climb, crawl upside-down, swing, and all that stuff. be creative.

    4)falling.  unless you start out perfect you need to have a plan B.  look up some akido falling techniques.  you need to be able to take a fall and roll with it. go to a big feild with soft grass and practive running around and falling.  try to roll with it. jump on some stuff and when you hit the ground imediatley tuck and roll.

    you dont want to land with a misplaced ankle or fall on your wrist.

    practice, practice, practice... you WILL have to get into shape to be able to do this and look cool doing it!

    so follow that and you will be running-jumping around like a foo foo frenchman in no time!


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