
Good training program to eventually run 6 miles straight?

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so right now i can run 3 miles most days, and days i cant, i can run 2. i also do 200-400 crunches and the machines at the gym to build muscle and tone up.

so right now i take one day off a week from all exercise. and today i ran 3 miles.

what should be a program, like monday, tues., wed., thurs., friday, sat., and sunday. like how many miles a day and what days off?

please help! i want to be able to run 6 miles straight by end of july maybe?

im 17, 5'5'', and 126 pds (well i checked 1.5 weeks ago)

thank youuu (:




  1. The best way to run further is just to practice.  Running 4 days a week is a good amount, in my opinion, so as not to burn yourself out.  I follow a Tues, Wed, Thurs, Sat schedule.  But any 4 days will do.  Tues and Thurs can be your easy runs, 2 miles would be fine.  Wed try to run 3 and work yourself up to 4 if you can.  Saturday is the "long run" day in many training programs.  Start with running your 3 miles, since that's what you can do, but add a half mile every Saturday.  That gives you 6 weeks to make it to 6 miles.  If you have more time, then you can add less at a time.  Or, you can add one more week and make it to 6.4 miles, which means you'd be able to run in a 10k race! I just advise you to take a rest day after your long run.  Also, you can use one of your off days to cross train.  Biking is supposedly the best way to improve your running without actually running.  Try to find a race to participate in.  That will get you motivated to start running longer distance!  Good luck!

  2. i would do a distance that youre comfortable with and run that everyday untill it is very easy and start to run further..

    the key is to run everyday! if you run at a comfortablepace and build up gradually you shouldnt have to worry bout burning out

    hope this helps and goodluck!

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