
Good traveling fish.. going to college?

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My sister is leaving for college on Saturday and she really wants to have a fish in her apartment. For the past few years she has had a male betta, but would like to branch out a little. He had been in a one gallon tank with a heater, so what other fish could she have in this tank? Also if she chose to use a 5 gallon tank (filter,heater) what fish could she put in there that will "travel well"? It is a 5 hour car ride back and forth to college and home. So she is worried that most fish can't make the trip 4 times throughout the year (Christmas, home for summer). So is there any breed of fish that would be okay in the 5 gallon tank and will travel well?




  1. get fish bags and put the fish into them tie it up ,get polystyrene box with newspaper in it to keep heat in  and pack the bags with the fish inside the box making sure they don't move around in the box so tightly fitted. Fish can live and survive in transport for  12-18 hours

    u can have a bala shark with beta fish

    hope this helps u out and good luck  

  2. 2 Goldfish require a 20 gallon tank. Fish do not travel well, there is always a chance of them dying from the stress and lack of oxygen in bags. Taking the fish home for vacation during the winter season is a BAD idea, the cold temperature will shock them and they will end up with ich. She will have to get a fish-sitter to watch her buddies while she is home for vacation. If she wants to attempt to take them home for summer vacation, you should help her prepare by having a aquarium set-up at home and ready for her arrival. That would mean having a 20 gallon at both the collage and home. That is the only way she would be able to travel with them.

  3. Try guppies... she's gonna love the colours and activeness of them..

    They breeds a lot and she will have fun seeing all their little babies swimming around..

    Also, add cory cats in it.. They are super cute n active!

    They swim here and there in a group!

    These 2 are gonna be exciting..

    Hope u will like this combination...

  4. I feel a lot but I didn't understand

  5. You could keep 3 male endlers in a 5 gallon tank, or maybe 3 small male feeder guppies.  That's about it.  5 gallons is a very small tank and most tropical fish need more room.  Even those fish would be rather cramped.

  6. Gold fish are your best bet. But in a 5 gal. tank only put one with a betta. And when she's traveling keep an air stone in there so the fish have oxygen which will help reduce the stress of travelling.

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