
Good tropical fish to add that will get a conversation started?

by  |  earlier

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It should be friendly, smallish-medium sized, active, beautiful, colourful, weird or strange in any way... but just anything that will make my tank look MORE interesting...




  1. parrot cichlids (orange ones)

    They are cool. They watch us eat dinner, follow anyone across the room. Very comical, no has lived with these 10 but a pleco..not even 5 medium bala sharks..gone not a trace the next day!

    Their mouths never close, strange fish and yet beautiful.

  2. Get a bunch of guppies you can get them cheap (5 for $3.50) at some fish shops they call them feeder fish they breed so fast and are friendly

  3. A small school of neon tetras are pretty common, but are also very active, friendly, smallish and colourful!

  4. well I am assuming you have a saltwater aquarium, so there is a lot to take into consideration when adopting an unusuakl fish. You need to take into account what kind of pH level is bst, temperature, tank setup in general, etc.

    with that said, here are some cool ones:


    Warty Frogfish (or any frogfish)

    Pajama cardinal fish

    Green Mandarin Dragonet

    Red Scooter Blenny

    and--always a cool addition, but not at all active-- a Tridacna Clam or Crocea Clam.. they can sometimes be very beautiful with green, blue or purple flesh

  5. The Clown Loach. Orange and black. They can grow to 10 inches so you need a 100 gallon tank for a school of them.

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