
Good tuck [hunter pony]?

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my lesson saturday. eh. it was ok. i fell. but after that he was pretty good. how was his tuck saturday?




  1. It's fine for how high you're jumping. I jump a bit higher so my horse tucks more, but when you jump like that then he's got a great tuck!

  2. Your pony needs a little work through gymnastics so he picks up his feet more evenly. You need to keep your eyes up and let go of his mouth a bit more. Gymnastics will help the both of you, as well as jumping without stirrups or reins.

  3. Great.

  4. Looks very decent.

  5. Wow - this horse looks like he has a lot of scope. What a nice combination - you look great together.

    He tucks up nicely and with this type of jumping tallent he should be able to get lovely bascule over larger jumps.

    Happy jumping...

  6. he could have a tiny bit more arch in his neck but hes a good hunter/jumper pony

  7. i agree with hanna

  8. he looks good!  he does however look a little stiff-try giving him some more rein and maybe relaxing a bit through your upper body.  have fun!!

  9. I thought he does it well.

    He looks very good.

    You too also look good together. Im jelouse that you are jumping. Im going to learn how to jump next summer and training my horse. ive read and reserchad and watched horses be trained so im very excited!

    Awesome horse!

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